Aussie Dad Built A Giant Laughing Kookaburra To ‘Cheer Us Up’

What a kook…aburra.

There are days during quarantine where I’ll jog twenty blocks and come home feeling super productive. Then I see a Tweet about a man who built a 1,600 pound, giant, laughing kookaburra and I realize I have no idea what productivity really is.

Artist Dr. Farvadin Daliri from the city of Townsville, Australia, began building the giant laughing bird last Christmas. When the quarantine was put into place, however, Daliri really kicked his construction into high gear and used his free time to complete the kookaburra. The massive fowl measures nearly 15 feet tall and 28 feet wide and has become the talk of the town…sville. Daliri told the Guardian “People just adore it. A lot of people overlooked from the roadside and saw this huge monster sitting here and wanted to know what it is.”

As for why the doctor built the bird in the first place the answer is quite simple, to spread joy. Daliri told Buzzfeed “I wanted to make something out of the ordinary to cheer us up, relieve our stress and make us optimistic.” What better way to cheer people up then by spreading laughter, literally! This isn’t Daliri’s first time at the giant animal rodeo either as he has constructed giant koalas and snakes to showcase at a cultural festival in his hometown. This is the first time the artist has gone viral, however, as his daughter’s Tweet has already garnered over a hundred thousand likes.

Check out and cheer up by checking out the post below!

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