POP Goes Wild

Because Animals Are Cool.

GOING VIRAL: Sheep Cyclone

There aren't many details included in this funny/compelling video, just a car trying to drive up a slope, surrounding by... sheep? Ewes? No matter. What's important is these animals do NOT want this car to pass. How they go about it is amusing and, to me, surprising.

VIDEO: Dog Transfixed By Marmaduke Movie

Smitty is a beautiful golden retriever who happened to be at the right place at the right time when his owner turned on the TV. There on the screen was Marmaduke, the live action film where the dogs and cats all talk - their mouths all moving along with the action. (Owen Wilson voices Marmaduke.) Smitty. Was. Transfixed.


A young woman was walking along the street and saw a dog balancing on a chain. She asked the owner if the video was on YouTube, but he replied that he had no computer and did not think it was anything special...

VIDEO: Dog and Pig Playing. Because.

On tonight's dessert menu, a tasty little piece of video that's simply this: A dog, and a pig, playing together. Passionately. No animals were harmed in the making of this video... but there was likely a lot of slobber.

VIDEO: Dogs Sticking Heads Out Car Windows – In Slow Motion

This will make any dog lover smile. It's called "Dogs In Cars," by Keith Hopkin. Yep, it's simply a montage of dogs sticking their heads out of the car window - in slow motion - set to music. So straightforward, and yet somehow surprising in how beautiful, sweet and clever it is.