There aren't many details included in this funny/compelling video, just a car trying to drive up a slope, surrounding by... sheep? Ewes? No matter. What's important is these animals do NOT want this car to pass. How they go about it is amusing and, to me, surprising.
Smitty is a beautiful golden retriever who happened to be at the right place at the right time when his owner turned on the TV. There on the screen was Marmaduke, the live action film where the dogs and cats all talk - their mouths all moving along with the action. (Owen Wilson voices Marmaduke.) Smitty. Was. Transfixed.
Watch as this dachshund does it's best to get this baby to play fetch. It almost seems like he's willing to teach him if necessary. But sadly, this baby isn't quite there yet.
A young woman was walking along the street and saw a dog balancing on a chain. She asked the owner if the video was on YouTube, but he replied that he had no computer and did not think it was anything special...
You would think this bird 'tubing' down a snowy rooftop was just a coincidence... if it weren't for the fact that he repeatedly picks the tube back up and goes sliding down the roof again and again. I've never seen anything like it!
Come on... I know that some of you don't love animal videos, but come ON! Here, a kitten and a fawn are getting along famously, snuggling up as a camera looks on.
They made us laugh, cry, shout, scream... and most of all, put off a lot of work we should have been doing at the time. Here are my picks for some of the funniest, best, worst, strangest, most visited, you get the idea... viral videos of 2011.
This compelling nature doc covering the 'Mimic Octopus' isn't new, but the internet has no rulebook for when something goes viral. Check out how amazingly this creature can adapt to fend off predators!
I don't know the whys or hows... I'm just 'reporting' the news here. The news being that a dog can walk down the stairs on two legs. For some reason I was expecting the other two legs.
For every holiday card you received featuring pets looking adorable, know that there was probably a lot of THIS going on before getting the perfect shot.
It's kind of disturbing to me when computer animators give animals human mouths. This cat's teeth creep me out!! But even though this yodeling cat is creepy, it hasn't stopped it from becoming a viral sensation. The video, created by the folks at Walmart to kick off the holiday season, has gone viral.
Can this be real? It looks legit... a guitar player has a dog that only appears happy when his buddy is strumming the guitar. (Is it me or is he even bobbing his head?!?)
This frog thinks the 'ants' on the smartphone game "Antcrusher" are real. And so, he does what any smart frog would do. He goes after them.
This is truly unbelievable.
On tonight's dessert menu, a tasty little piece of video that's simply this: A dog, and a pig, playing together. Passionately.
No animals were harmed in the making of this video... but there was likely a lot of slobber.
This will make any dog lover smile. It's called "Dogs In Cars," by Keith Hopkin. Yep, it's simply a montage of dogs sticking their heads out of the car window - in slow motion - set to music. So straightforward, and yet somehow surprising in how beautiful, sweet and clever it is.