A warmhearted firefighter found a lifeless kitten in a house ravaged by fire. After spending fifteen minutes giving it oxygen and massaging it, it miraculously came back to life.
"Back in the day" it was a holiday tradition to watch a yule log crackling for hours on a local television station. This year, Applegate Farms has released a 30 minute video of bacon frying. It's equally soothing.
It didn't take long for Barbara Walters to bring up the dramatic day that Jones dropped viewers (and Barbara) a bomb and said she was leaving the show. You probably know that she was in fact DROPPED from the show, and it all got messy from there because NO ONE TAKES BARBARA BY SURPRISE. Watch them hash it out...
Watch as she 'reports' with all the exuberance of a teenager, then erupts in giggles when a fire helicopter douses her with gallons of water to put out the fire. Eventually she realizes that this isn't supposed to be such funny stuff, but its done. That said, you'll probably laugh.
Take a minute to check out this life-altering product! An eco-friendly gel that can protect your home, your body, you name it - from fire. Watch as this guy's hand, covered in the gel, can withstand a 2,000 degree blowtorch without feeling a thing! Then, it rinses off with water.