Infamous Wikileaks and Julian Assange are Coming to a Theater Near You!

Over the past few months, the infamous site known as Wikileaks has caused much controversy in the United States.  People have been debating left and right over whether they believe that Julian Assange is a saint or a traitor to this country for all the news he has let out about the government and governments around the world…. 

What better way to deal with it than to make a movie?!

That’s exactly what is apparently happening. Josephson Entertainment and Michelle Krumm Productions have jointly optioned feature rights to Australian reporter Andrew Fowler’s upcoming biography “Assange, The Most Dangerous Man in the World.” Krumm says,

“”As soon as I met Andrew and read a few chapters of his profound book, I knew that — with his incredibly extensive depth of knowledge — it would enable us to bring a thought-provoking thriller to the screen,”

Currently, Assange is living under house arrest in the UK after posting bail for sexual assault charges.  Wikileaks is still active and still causing more controversy.

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