Why Anne Hathaway and James Franco Initially Said No To Hosting The Oscars… And What Changed Their Minds.

Both Anne Hathaway and James Franco initially turned down the offer to host the Oscars – but Hathaway eventually came around after Franco had a change of heart.

Hathaway told GMA:  ‘When I got asked to do it I said “No thank you I don’t think this is really for me … And then they called back a couple of weeks later and said, “Well James Franco is in” and I said “ooooh that is going to be interesting.”‘

Franco didn’t reveal what brought him around (although he’s become well-known for his try-anything-once attitude towards his work. In the interview, however, he coyly alluded to Hathaway’s sex appeal.

 ‘One of the reasons I was excited about Anne hosting was well I thought maybe I had a shot but then I realised there is a boyfriend around so those dreams have been shot…so…just curious?’

Initial reports indicate the couple will make five costume changes throughout the show, and act out scenes from eleven of the nominated films.

Anne also told Good Morning America that  she hopes to ‘be a mommy in the next five years.’ 

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