Katie Holmes VS Star Magazine: Who’s Right?

Katie Holmes’ rep issued a statement on Tuesday saying that she was filing a libel suit against Star Magazine, which her attorney claims “Falsely suggesting that she is a drug addict.”

Entertainment Weekly has broken down the article to see if Holmes has a case… and apparently it all comes down to to some clever wording that the tabs have become famous for:

“…the story itself doesn’t outright label Holmes as a drug addict. At least not inside the magazine. The cover, however, is emblazoned with a headline that gives Holmes’ lawsuit some heft: “Katie Drug Shocker!” On the cover is also a small chip: “Addiction Nightmare.” Inside, the story suggests Holmes might be addicted to Scientology’s well-documented e-meter “auditing,” a treatment that, according to Star, gives church-goers a natural high. But nowhere does the cover clarify that Star is referring to Holmes alleged e-meter use, something noted duly by the actress’ lawyer, Bert Fields. “Star magazine’s malicious claims about Katie are untrue, unethical, and unlawful,” Fields said in a statement released Tuesday. “Not only do they cruelly defame Katie, they play a cheap trick on the public, making ridiculously false claims on the cover unsupported by anything inside. Someone should bring a class action to get all buyers their money back.”

The magazine concludes thatreaders are smart enough to read between clever semantics, and that Holmes is probably going to come up short in the justice department – While simultaneously declaring that Star Magazine does a weak job at presenting their case… whether it be accidental or deliberate:

Sorry readers, the only “Drug Shocker” you’ll get reading Star‘s cover story… is that Star has presented no evidence that Holmes is addicted to drugs at all.

Now am I the only one curious about this e-meter? If they were so great, you can’t tell me they wouldn’t be on an infomercial somewhere…

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