Justin Bieber Taking a Break From Twitter. Millions of Tweens Lose Any Motivation in Life

Justin Bieber’s career started on the internet.  And now, he is somewhat turning his back on it.

After growing frustrations with Paparazzi and invasion of personal space, the Biebster  decided to take a little break from Twitter:

”I’m just excited at this pt to get on stage and perform. gonna take a little break from twitter and enjoy this time with my family until then.”

Bieber recently took a trip to Israel to perform, and was constantly surrounded by the Paparazzi, even in Holy places like the wailing wall:

“I want to see this country and all the places ive dreamed of and whether its the paps or being pulled into politics its been frustrating … super frustrated and just needed some time to vent and chill.”

This is one time where I could definitely understand where the kid is coming from.  Since those tweets on Tuesday, Bieber has started to post again, but not as often as usual.  Here’s to seeing how long the half-twitter strike will last.

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