Today’s VIDEO WE CAN’T EXPLAIN: Twin Girls Smile and Dance To Dad’s Guitar Music

Watch, smile, and go 'Awww' as two young baby girls delight in their dad's guitar music. Their little heads bobbing back and forth in unison is enough to melt your heart, if their smiles don't melt it first.

Watch, smile, and go ‘Awww’ as two young baby girls delight in their dad’s guitar music. Their little heads bobbing back and forth in unison is enough to melt your heart, if their smiles don’t melt it first.

For more videos you can’t explain, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

VIDEO and PICS: Beyonce’s Team Deny Any “Baby-BumpGate” Scandal.

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THIS HAPPENED: Hanson Does A Cover of Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.”