POP Video: A Ham Sandwich, an Orange, and a Load More Food Fighting Fridge Frost in MELTDOWN (Oh, and David Cross Is In It)

So let’s get right to the chase, because I know whomever clicked on this link is just damn confused by the title.

Dave Green made a stop motion short about your friendly neighborhood fridge, its inhabitants (ranging from spaghetti, milk and butter to take out, celery and orange), and the dangers of fridge ice.

With that comes an excellent, heart filled and absolutely hysterical short.

Two little facts:

1) David Cross voices the Ham Sandwich

2) Green says: “It took longer than we expected b/c we shot it in my real fridge. It became hard to separate my dinners from the props, it was really gross. We all got sick at some point. took about 2 months on & off to put it all together. Thanks for digging!!”

Watch the video below, and seriously make sure you watch it straight until the end…you won’t be disappointed.

MELTDOWN , posted with vodpod

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