Steve Nicks Opens Up About Her Biggest Mistake.

Steve Nicks is opening up about her biggest regret in life. Her new album, “In Your Dreams” sent her back to her own personal journals for inspiration. As part of the process, she’s discovered that despite a life of ups and downs, one moment defined her biggest mistake:

She tells FOX:

“The only thing I would change is walking into that psychiatrists office who prescribed me Klonopin…That ruined my life for eight years.” 

She says the drug, generally used to treat seizures and panic disorder, ruined the best years of her life.

“That was just a stupid doctor making a groupie mistake and just wanting me to come in there, tell him about all my music friends and young Hollywood and that nearly ruined my life and nearly killed me … That’s eight years that I could have. God knows, maybe I would have met someone, maybe I would have had a baby. That was my prime eight years. That was a big mistake. Everything else was exactly how it should have been.”

Nicks had a long battle with addiction, entering rehab twice, for cocaine on one occasion, and another time for pills.  Now looking incredible at 62 she’s releasing her first studio album in ten years. She also sat down with EXTRA to share her journal and talk about the project.

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