Jason Mraz Breaks Off Engagement, Is a Single Man Again

All you women who want Jason Mraz to come to your doorstep, say “I’m yours”, and spend the night making you love his…uhh…wordplay, you now have another chance.

Mraz revealed to The Daily Beast Tuesday night at the Samsung Hope for Children gala that he is no longer engaged to fellow singer-songwriter Tristan Prettyman.  The singer said:

“My greatest mistake right now is, I’ve been clinging to my art…In that, I have victory for my art and a great loss for my heart. At the moment, my beautiful fiancée is no longer my beautiful fiancée.”

Mraz continued to say that he was giving himself to the wrong aspects to try to make his relationship better:

“Two halves don’t make a whole…Two wholes make a whole. In my relationship, I was giving myself away to make the relationship better, but in actuality, wasn’t doing better by doing that. I became less of a man.”

But in the end, he said that he’s happy that the two are still friends, and he doesn’t know what could happen in the future:

“We are still super friends, we go to yoga together, we surf together…We acknowledge the journey that each of us is on. We certainly want each of us to feel whole and complete. And it’s when you’re whole and complete that that attraction exists and it really thrives.”

Mraz proposed to Prettyman in December, tweeting, “SHE SAID YES” on Christmas Eve.  No wedding plans were made because the couple decided to wait until marriage was legal for everyone.

Ladies, get to work!  You have limited time!

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