Arnold Schwarzenegger Now Willing To Pay Spousal Support.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has had a change of heart. After stating in a divorce filing last week that he didn't want to award his wife spousal support, (another blow to his already suffering reputation) he's had a change of heart... or at least legal phrasing.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has had a change of heart. After stating in a divorce filing last week that he didn’t want to award his wife spousal support, (another blow to his already suffering reputation) he’s had a change of heart… or at least legal phrasing.

The Associated Press reports that Schwarzenegger has amended the filing, withdrawing a request that a judge terminate Maria Shriver’s rights to spousal support.

His attorneys also replaced a document submitted last week that aimed for Shriver (his wife of 25 years) to pay her own attorney’s fees.

Earlier this summer,Schwarzenegger revealed he fathered a child with a member of his household staff years ago, reportedly after Shriver grew suspicious and demanded answers.

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