Kristen Wiig Gets The Greenlight For Black Comedy “Imogen.”

Hot on the heels of her success starring in and co-writing the feature film "Bridesmaids," the hysterically funny SNL talent Kristen Wiig has gotten one of her passion projects the greenlight. It's a dark, but funny concept!

Hot on the heels of her success starring in and co-writing the feature film “Bridesmaids,” the hysterically funny SNL talent Kristen Wiig has gotten one of her passion projects the greenlight.

Variety reports Wiig has earned a pickup for “Imogen,” a comedy that she described to Indiewire as a story “about a girl who kind of pretends to kill herself… to get her recently ex-boyfriend’s attention,’ and then goes to live with her mom. Only Wiig can take staged suicide and make it laugh out loud funny.

Part of Imogen’s greenlight is attributed to Bridesmaids’ success. The film is the biggest R rated female comedy of all time. Ironically, despite the success of the Sex and the City film franchise (which was also scoffed at by skeptics who still can’t seem to wrap themselves around a mostly female cast) those perpetual naysayers thought that a raunchy film like Bridesmaids wouldn’t sell to women. In the end, it appealed not only to women, but the boyfriends and husbands who came along for the ride.

Rock on, Wiig!

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