Linda Hamilton Asks Betty White’s Rejected Marine to Ball?!

And it takes another strange turn!

We’ve had an interesting week with all these marines asking celebrities to the Marine Corps Ball.  Now, when Betty White turned out Sgt. Ray Lewis’ invitation because of a conflicting schedule, actress Linda Hamilton decided that she wanted to offer herself up as a consolation date!

Ms. Sarah Connor posted a YouTube video last night in which she says she spent a whole night crying over White turning down Lewis’ invitation, and wanted to throw her hat in the ring:

“Betty called and I talked to her for hours and I know she feels terrible…So I just decided that I would try to reach out to you and say, ‘Look, I know that I am no Betty White, but I would be really, really thrilled if you can’t find anything else, and I know that it’s unlikely, but if you can’t find anybody else to go to the ball with you I could go.'”

Lewis commented on Hamilton’s video, writing, “You are amazing,” but hasn’t officially responded with a yes on no.

Be afraid, Lewis…Sarah Conner can kick some major butt…

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