Betty White Wins The Night!

Betty White's 90th birthday special on NBC Monday night was a ratings winner, beating Mike and Molly and Two and A Half Men and FOX's Alcatraz in total viewers. The show that followed the special, Betty White's new series Off Their Rockers was also a winner, taking second place in total viewers for the night.

If ever I am within three feet of Betty White, I would like her to rub some of her magic touch on me, because this woman is unstoppable.

The actress’ 90th birthday special on NBC Monday night was a ratings winner, beating CBS’s Mike and Molly and Two and A Half Men and FOX’s Alcatraz in total viewers. (13.86 million viewers!) The show that followed the special, Betty White’s new series Off Their Rockers was also a winner, taking second place in total viewers for the night. (12.23 million viewers.)

The ever-charming white was gracious and grateful during her birthday special, acknowledging that she has been a bit overexposed as of late. “Talk about milking it,” she said. That said, the ratings show that clearly America still hasn’t gotten enough of this sweet, funny woman.

On a personal note, her prank show “Off Their Rockers” provided quite a few laugh out loud moments at the POPgoesTheWeek house. An ensemble of senior citizens make up the cast, which plays jokes on young people while hidden cameras catch the hilarious reactions. (Scroll down to the video below for a look.)

Congrats Betty… keep us laughing until the 100th birthday party!

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