VIDEO: Move Over Justin and Mila! Marine Asks Betty White to Ball!

Now THIS is more like it!

First, we had a video of a marine asking Mila Kunis to the Marine Corps Ball.  Her FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS costar, Justin Timberlake, played an awesome wingman and convinced her to go.

Then, we had a female marine ask Justin to the ball!  Where do you go next after Justin and Mila?

Betty White, of course!

Sgt. Ray Lewis, who has served in both Afghanistan and Iraq, posted a YouTube video Friday asking White to accompany him to the ball. He said he’d be performing and knows the 90-year-old actress would have a wonderful time:

“I would like to take Betty White, she’s funny, she’s sweet, she’s mature, she’s the all-around the perfect women…I’m fun… I’m going to be performing. I think I could make her laugh, I think she could make me laugh. I think we could laugh together. It’s gonna be great.”

Imagine having Mila, Justin and Betty all at the same ball!  Check out the video below, and I guess the only question to ask now is…who would YOU ask to the ball?

Mila Kunis Saves A Man’s Life In Her L.A. Home!

VIDEO: Betty White Dance Track? If This Weren’t For Charity There Might Be A Shark Getting Jumped Somewhere.

VIDEO: Marine Got Mila Kunis…Well Now Female Marine Wants Justine Timberlake!

Justin Timberlake’s Marine Corps Ball Date Gives Details on Their Night!