Watch POPgoesTheWeek’s Brian Balthazar Weigh In On TV Blunders!

Thanks to the people at TV Guide Networks and Atlas Productions for getting POPgoesTheWeek's take on the worst TV mistakes in history... part two! From the Brady Bunch's cousin Oliver, to Kanye West stealing Taylor Swift's moment... Be sure to check it out: only on the TV Guide Network, Sunday July 31st at 8pmET/7pm central!!!

Thanks to the people at TV Guide Networks and Atlas Productions for getting POPgoesTheWeek’s take on the worst TV mistakes in history… part two! From the Brady Bunch’s cousin Oliver, to Kanye West stealing Taylor Swift’s moment… yours truly will be there with my two cents! Be sure to check it out: only on the TV Guide Network, Sunday July 31st at 8pmET/7pm central!!! Hope you can watch, and follow us on Twitter at @brianbalthazar and @MikePOPnews!

POP Goes The Week’s Brian Balthazar Co-Hosts Fashion Week Kickoff Event

WATCH: POP Goes The Week Sits On THE COUCH For POP Talk

Catch “POP Goes The Week!” On “The Lounge” Radio Show! Thursdays At 9:30pmET

Watch Every Monday Night In March!