Charlie Sheen Speaks Out on Tiger Blood, Warlocks, and His Complete Ridiculousness

It seems like after all the craziness and Tiger Blood and rants and state tours, Charlie Sheen has finally come down from whatever high he was on.  He’s spending time with his kids, has a new film in the works, and is going on decent interviews to promote his Comedy Central Roast.

In a taped interview with the “Today Show”, the actor was asked by Matt Lauer what he thought of all his rants, his catchphrases, and everything he said about Chuck Lorre, and Jon Cryer, among many others:

“It was one of those things where the planets were aligned, perfectly or imperfectly. I said some stuff and then it caught such traction globally and instantly that I couldn’t really put out the fire…I had to keep fueling it.”

As for the now infamous “tiger blood” and “Vatican Assassin Warlock”, Sheen says that maybe it was a bit too much:

“I don’t know, the tiger blood…it was so silly and people took it so seriously and I figured, all right, I’ll continue to give the people what they want, you know?”

And how did Sheen feel when he was fired from “Two and a Half Men”?  He admitted that the whole thing seemed almost like a blur:

“It was like being shot out of a cannon into another cannon and then being just shot out of that one…It was like from one moment to the next I didn’t know what was going to happen…I don’t believe in fear and defeat is not an option and I had to live by those mottos regardless of how I felt.”

But I think the real question on everybody’s mind: has Charlie been clean and sober?  The actor says that yes, he is and has been for a while:

“I don’t really keep track of the time…It’s been awhile, because I feel like, without getting into my feelings about AA and all that stuff, if you’re walking around hanging on to your time, it’s only a matter of time before it goes, you know?”

You can check out the interview on Today, which will air Friday morning.

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