In Unnecessary News, TOP GUN is Coming to Theaters in 3D

Ya know, I thought the 3D fad was finally starting to fade.  But apparently, Hollywood is trying a new way to shove it down viewers’ throats: by converting old movies to 3D.  And one of those movies is TOP GUN.

Yup,  According to The Hollywood Reporter, a 4-minute preview of converted footage was screened yesterday at the IBC in Amsterdam. Paramount has yet to comment on the matter but Legend3D CEO Rob Hummel said that the release will be in theaters in early 2012, and they are just waiting for director Tony Scott’s approval. He said of the process:

“We think there is great potential for catalog titles in 3D, but studios have had trouble justifying the expense…As I understand it, they are planning to release it in 3D in early 2012, though I known they want to get [director] Tony Scott’s approval before they go forward.”

Shouldn’t you ask for the director’s blessing/permission BEFORE starting the process?  Just saying…

TOP GUN is just one of many classics being prepped for a 3D re-release, including TITANIC, STAR WARS and LION KING.

So the question is, are YOU looking forward to the re-release, or is this just another cheap way to grab some extra money?

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