After only one week on the market, the STAR WARS Complete Saga Blu-Ray box set has set the record for the highest grossing Blu-ray release of all time.

You better believe it.

According to LatinoReview, the set has sold 515,000 units in North America alone in its first week. Worldwide sales have totaled $84M, which is more along the lines of a full week run in a movie theater!

What I find even more interesting is the fact that this comes after constant fan complaints of George Lucas’ editing of the films.  People were so angry, that it even lead to a full length documentary, THE PEOPLE VERSUS GEORGE LUCAS (if you haven’t already, check it out!).  And yet, with all that, fans went out, spent about $100, and bought the set (probably the 4th or 5th version of it they have, after VHS, DVD, DVD Special Editions, etc).

So the question is…who got the Saga on Blu-Ray, and was it worth it??

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