Stephen King is Writing a Sequel to THE SHINING


Okay, maybe that’s not exactly how it’s going to go, but either way, Stephen King is writing a sequel to “The Shining”.

According to Joblo, the second book will be called “Dr. Sleep”, and will focus on a now 40-year-old emotionally scarred Danny Torrance.  Danny works as an orderly at a hospice for the terminally ill in upstate New York, but his real job is to “visit with patients who are just about to pass on to the other side, and to help them make that journey with the aid of his mysterious powers.” \

King himself elaborates:

“This is an idea that I’ve had for some time. I wrote a novel in the ’70s called The Shining… I always wondered what happened to that kid, Danny Torrance, when he grew up… and this story started to form. The book isn’t finished yet, it’s called Dr. Sleep. This kinda goes back to: what’s the worst thing you can think of? I knew that there were bad people in this story that were like vampires, only that what they sucked out was not blood, but psychic energy from special people like Danny Torrance. And I came to realize that these people were called The Tribe and that they move around a lot. Their leader is a woman called Rose [unintelligible] they all have these kinda pirate names, because pirates is sort of what they are.”

The original book was turned into a Stanley Kubrick classic film.  I think the real question is…when the movie comes (because it obviously will…), can it possibly match up?

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