VIDEO and VOTE: Charlie Sheen Begins New Public Image Campaign – Wishes His Old Sitcom Well. Was He Sincere?

In the hours before the Emmy Awards, there had been buzz that Charlie Sheen would be appearing. But when he wished the team of "Two and a Half Men" well, was he sincere? Or was he strategizing? Watch the video and vote.

In the hours before the Emmy Awards, there had been buzz that Charlie Sheen would be appearing. But in recent days, Sheen had appeared on the Today Show rather sober-minded – s0 the question remained – which version of Sheen would the world get? Crazy ‘winning‘ Sheen? Or good-natured put-together Sheen?

Sheen took the stage at the Emmy Awards to announce the award for Outstanding Lead Actor In A Comedy Series, which (not accidentally) was once his category.  He began his appearance by saying he’d like to get ‘something off my chest’ to the folks who work on “Two And A Half Men.” He continued: “From the bottom of my heart I wish you nothing but the best for this upcoming season. We spent eight wonderful years together and I know you will continue to make great television.”

The audience gave cautious applause. (The clip is below.) But was the well-wishing sincere, or something more calculated?

It’s probably not a coincidence that Sheen has been on something of a PR recovery tour these days. He’s currently shopping around his new comedy project “Anger Management.”  There is little question that Sheen gets buzz for his behavior, and will likely drive a strong viewership to at least the initial episode, but the major concern some of the interested parties have could be whether advertisers are willing to be affiliated with him, and whether a network is willing to risk the kind of setbacks suffered on the “Two and a Half Men” set during the heat of the Sheen meltdown. Furthermore, having a hefty Twitter following doesn’t necessarily lead to ratings.

Here’s the video clip, then vote on whether you think this is a real mea culpa, or just a publicity effort?

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