VIDEO: Serena Williams Goes Off.

Serena Williams lost the U.S. Open this weekend in a heated match. But while sports highlights usually showcase video of the winning moment, this time, all people can talk about is the earlier code violation that led her to a rage-filled rant at the chair umpire.

Serena Williams lost the U.S. Open this weekend in a heated moment. But while sports highlights usually showcase video of the winning moment, this time, all people can talk about is the earlier code violation that led her to a rage-filled rant at the chair umpire.

Williams got into hot water for yelling “Come on!” at her ball before it had reached opponent (and eventual winner) Samantha Stosur. Yelling while the ball is in play is considered unsportmanlike, as it can distract the other player. Chair Umpire Eva Asderaki gave the point to Stosur after the incident.

Williams did not appreciate the decision. She lost her cool, saying “Are you the one who screwed me over last time? Yeah, you are.” (She wasn’t.)

Williams wasn’t done. As she sat next to the umpire, she went off: “If you ever see me walking down the hall, look the other way, because you’re out of control. You’re out of control. You’re totally out of control, you’re a hater, and you’re unattractive inside. Who would do such a thing? And I never complain. Wow. What a loser… We’re in America last I checked. Can I get a water, or am I gonna get violated for a water? Really, don’t even look at me! I promise you, don’t look at me, ’cause I am not the one. Don’t look my way.”

Williams later said in a press conference that she didn’t remember what she said, and joked that she will have to watch it on youtube to find out. She may be financially reprimanded for the incident.

Below, the raw video of the outburst, and below that, ABC’s look at Serena’s outbursts over the years…this one has SUBTITLES of the meltdown, which I myself needed to fully appreciate the outburst.

SW clip, posted with vodpod


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