Rihanna Is Happy For Chris Brown’s Success

Chris Brown may have done a lot of harm to Rihanna, but in a new interview, it seems like the pop singer has fully moved on, even wishing Brown the best.

According to E! Online, Rihanna says that despite everything, what Brown has pulled off with his new album and comeback is incredible:

“It’s incredible to see how he pulled out of it the way he did. Even when the world seemed like it was against him, you know?”

But wait, what about the physical pain he put her through after the 2009 Grammy awards?  Isn’t she still angry…?

“Obviously, I had some resentment toward him for a while, for obvious reasons. But I’ve put that behind me. It was taking up too much of my time. It was too much anger.”

That makes Rihanna a better person than many of us out here…I don’t know if I’d be able to say the same if I were in her situation…

But all in all, Jay Z’s golden girl says she still loves her ex’s music:

“I really like the music he’s putting out. I’m a fan of his stuff. I’ve always been a fan…I’m really excited to see the breakthrough he’s had in his career. I would never wish anything horrible for him. Never. I never have.”

Good for her.

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