VIDEO: Kohl’s Uses Rebecca Black’s “Friday” To Promote Black Friday Sale.

The runaway train of notoriety achieved by anything Rebecca Black touches is continuing. Kohl's did a remix of the song to promote their upcoming black Friday sale. The woman taking the lead gives it a funny approach... and I appreciate the "something that rhymes with Friday" line.

The runaway train of notoriety achieved by anything Rebecca Black touches is continuing. Kohl’s did a remix of the song to promote their upcoming black Friday sale. The woman taking the lead gives it a funny approach… and I appreciate the “something that rhymes with Friday” line.

Credit to Kohls for knowing the idea would garner some buzz…

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1 Comment

  • The Kohl’s Black Friday advertisement shows her stealing a package out of another womans shopping bag … she is shoplifting, and stealing products in the store. Is this how Kohl’s protrays Black Friday a Christmas shoping as a free for all greedy, stealing, for all stealing spree ?

    BOYCOTT KOHL’S forever, and put them out of buniness

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