Letterman Booker Eddie Brill Won’t Be Booking Anymore

Eddie Brill, David Letterman’s “Late Show” comedy booker for ten years - has been stripped of the job, after saying in an interview that too many female comics “act like men” to get laughs.

Eddie Brill, David Letterman’s “Late Show” comedy booker for ten years – has been stripped of the job, after saying in an interview that too many female comics “act like men” to get laughs.

Brill, a comedian himself that warms up the audience before Letterman begins taping, will continue his role as warmup guy while a small handful of producers take on his booking responsibilities.

Brill, well known within comedy circles, had arguably become more known for his booking power than his comedy. He often hosted comedy workshops, and attended amateur comedy shows to ‘scope out’ new talent in exchange for a payment from that comedy club’s booker.

The 53-year-old talent scout had reportedly booked just one female comic on the show in all of 2011. In his interview for a New York Times profile he claimed “there are a lot less female comics who are authentic. I see a lot of female comics who to please an audience will act like men.”

Some successful female comics are coming to Brill’s defense. Both Lisa Lampanelli and Bonnie McFarlane, who had done comedy sets on Jay Leno and David Letterman, respectively, are asking people to calm down, and supporting Brill’s own support of women in comedy.

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