The Magic Of Movie Music Never Seemed So Clear

You know how at the Oscars, sometimes they'll show a clip where they've taken away the amazing musical scoring from a movie to show how dramatically different the film comes across? Well, it's hard to say whether this guy had the same intention when he replaced the Jurassic Theme with his own performance of the song, on his Melodica.

You know how at the Oscars, sometimes they’ll show a clip where they’ve taken away the amazing musical scoring from a movie to show how dramatically different the film comes across? Well, it’s hard to say whether this guy had the same intention when he replaced the Jurassic Theme with his own performance of the song, on his Melodica.  Here’s his clip, and below that, in case you’ve forgotten, the  signigicantly more spectacular original.

That’s the spirit, chap, keep on practicing!

For more odd viral videos, pop culture updates and entertainment news, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

and as promised, the original!

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