VIDEO: Dad Gets Revenge On Daughter’s Facebook Post Slamming Parents.

You will either love this or hate this. A dad who found a parent-bashing post on his daughter's facebook page gets back at the girl by taping a video response to all her gripes, then posts it on her facebook page for all her friends to see. Watch as he reponds to her claim that she shouldn't have to clean the house, since they 'have a cleaning lady for that.'

Dad is opening up a can of parental whooparse in about 3…2..

You will either love this or hate this. A dad who found a parent-bashing post on his daughter’s facebook page gets back at the girl by taping a video response to all her gripes, then posts it on her facebook page for all her friends to see! Watch as he reponds to her claim that she shouldn’t have to clean the house, since they ‘have a cleaning lady for that.’  Then there’s the last few seconds – which may have gone too far…you be the judge.

Now that this video has gone viral, something tells me that things are going to be PRETTY animated in this family’s house tonight.

As I once again thank the Lord that the internet didn’t exist when I was a kid, I give some pause – I’m not hearing both sides of the story here, and while its easier to take a little twisted amusement in seeing a bratty kid get a verbal smackdown, (I sure did hate her ‘cleaning lady’ line.) boy oh boy do things get nutty at the end! (WATCH THE LAST 30 seconds and you’ll see what I mean!) I do worry about the embarassment and humilation that this girl will be feeling as a result of this – and the long term ramifications…and yet I won’t lie – from the sounds of her post, I think she needed to get a reality check – and it was brought to her on a silver platter! I’m guessing she won’t be posting any griping on facebook any time soon! Bringing a gun into the scene is a little disconcerting to me – and I hope that it isn’t so closeby during family discussions at home. Finally…Somebody needs to get this family a therapist FAST!!!

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  • I think she deserves this. But i don’t agree with ruining the laptop. He spent time and money on it! He should have gave it to the son for his birthday or kept it. Or a gift to someone else.

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