Fake Kazakhstan Anthem from “Borat” Accidentally Played at Sporting Event

Well this is awkward…

Well this is awkward…

A video showcasing a bit of a mishap during the international shooting competition in Kuwait is making its way around the internet today, and it’s just wrong to watch.

According to Worst Previews, the country of Kazakhstan ended up winning the competition’s gold meal, and instead of playing the country’s national anthem, some guy accidentally played the theme from BORAT!

While the character of Borat lived in Kazakhstan, the lyrics to the fake national anthem were less than flattering, and included such wonderful lines as, “Kazakhstan’s prostitutes cleanest in the region…Filtration system a marvel to behold. It remove 80 percent of human solid waste…Come grasp the mighty penis of our leader.”

The team’s coach told Kazakh media that organizers of the event downloaded the parody by mistake, and apparently played the wrong Serbian national anthem as well.

You can watch the video of the very awkward moment below.  As for me, I just can’t help but think how royally someone just got fired…

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