Funny Viral Video: Intern Catches Himself On Live TV, Tries To Discreetly Exit, Fails.

I find this absolutely hysterical! Adam is an intern at KNLN ABC 8 in Lincoln, Nebraska. During a LIVE weather report, he is shocked to see that he is in the shot! In what I am sure he THOUGHT was a discreet way, he makes a stealthy exit... only making himself more obvious.

For whatever reason, I find this absolutely hysterical! Adam is an intern at KNLN ABC 8 in Lincoln, Nebraska. During a LIVE weather report, he is shocked to see that he is in the shot! In what I am sure he THOUGHT was a discreet way, he makes a stealthy exit… only making himself more obvious. There’s something about the way he sliiiiiides off that cracks me up.

The funny moment that never gets acknowledged by the anchors… but at least now he’s part of internet viral history.

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

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