Lady Gaga Hits 20 Million Twitter Followers, And Other Celebrity Rankings.

Lady Gaga just reached an incredible Twitter milestone.... meanwhile check out the surprising list of which celebrities have huge followers, and other big stars who are barely a blip on the radar.

Lady Gaga rules twitter. The big monster (I can only assume since she calls her fans ‘little monsters’ that she’s the big monster, or mama monster, or something) has an astounding 20 million followers—the first Twitter user to ever to reach that milestone. That’s more than the entire population of New York state.

Behind her in the rankings? Justin Bieber has a very respectable 18.1 million followers, Katy Perry‘s got 15.7 million, Shakira clocks in at 14.7 million, and Rihanna rounds out the top five with 14.5 million followers.

And while there’s no denying that Gaga is supremely successful, the world of twitter is a strange one. Consider these other interesting numbers (these do not round out a sequential list, they’re just some other notable names rounded to the nearest hundred thousand.) It shows that twitter doesn’t necessarily paint an accurate picture of net worth or social relevence to the public as a whole:

Celebrities and their current number of twitter followers:

Britney Spears 13.6

Kim Kardashian 13.6 million

Taylor Swift 11.5 million

Ellen Degeneres 9.7 million

Ashton Kutcher 9.7 million

Oprah: 9.5 million

Chris Brown 8.6 million

Charlie Sheen 6.8 million

Jim Carrey 6.8 million

Paris Hilton, 6.3 million

Tyra Banks 5.5 million

Conan O’Brien 5.1 million

Jennifer Lopez, 5 million

Perez Hilton 4.6 million

Thalia (latina singer and wife of Tommy Mottola) 3.3 million

Lindsay Lohan, 3.1 million

Tom Cruise 2.7 million

Martha Stewart: 2.5 million.

Paula Abdul, 2.3 million

Denise Richards 2.3 million

Simon Cowell, 1.7 million

Adam Levine 1.8 million

Blake Shelton 1.2 million

Christina Aguilera 1.1 million

Barbara Walters 945,876

Tori Spelling, 661,113

Cher 518,910 (If you saw her tweets you would follow her – they’re completely candid and often hysterical)

Katie Couric 390,330

Pope Benedict XIV, 47,460

Interestingly, pop rival Madonna has all but abandoned twitter, and my guess is she isn’t likely to rejoin the site now that she’d have to catch up so much.

In case you didn’t already notice, success at the box office, music biz or in the television world don’t necessarily generate an enormous twitter following simply by default. As a general rule, those celebrities who interact with their followers the most tend to gain the most followers. Or, quite frankly, the ones that reach a younger, hipper audience. (Are we really surprised that the Pope doesn’t garner an enormous twitter following?) Musicians also do particularly well, as you can see from the top five list… in part because they can release links to sneak peeks of music and videos.

Meanwhile, as we wrap this up, note that while I’m not a celebrity, I have been completely eclipsed in followers by Pepto Bismol. Who the hell is following Pepto Bismol on twitter?!? Do we really own up to that kind of thing? so be a peach and follow me on twitter!


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