AWESOMELY AWFUL VIDEO: Local Commercial For “Fashion Shack” Is So Bad It’s Good

There's a discount store in Anderson, South Carolina called the Fashion Shack. Near there is someone with a video camera and editing software that needs to be taken away from them.

There’s a discount store in Anderson, South Carolina called the Fashion Shack. Near there is someone with a video camera and editing software that needs to be taken away from them.


I take that back… I’m actually kind of delirous;y happy that this video exists. There’s a lot to love about this commercial:

-the way these kids all stand still in a straight line during their casual conversation, as I so frequently do with my friends. (Honestly, if I tried this in New York City I would be murdered or at the very least trampled.)

-the girl who says she cannot find anything at the mall. She’s the most genuine in her delivery. There’s a subtle undertone of ‘my mom is forcing me to do this and I already know I’ll regret it.’ Honestly, if given the choice of hanging out with anyone in this commercial, I would choose her, hands down.

-the whispering. The voiceover whispers “Fashion Shack” into my ear as if its a dirty little secret. Then he’s got really naughty plans for you. I can just tell.

-the unusual use of edit cutouts. Let’s breeze past the fact that there are kids walking down the sidewalk in evening gowns, which is strange enough, but what the hell with the strange montages that cutoff heads, or in one case (shown) put a huge black splotch in the center of the screen. This is either the most progessive, artistic editing style I’ve ever seen, or just God-Awful. (I’m aiming towards the latter, unless of course this was done by a young teen just starting out in which I will change my tune to ‘nice job and keep up the good work!’)

In any case, enough analysis… watch and enjoy!

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