HEARTWARMING & INSPIRING VIDEO: Sick Children and Seattle Hospital Workers Perform Kelly Clarkson’s “Stronger.”

The brave children and dedicated staffers on the hemoncology floor of Seattle Children’s Hospital recently performed a lipdub of Kelly Clarkson’s “Stronger.” Instantly moving, I cried within 10 seconds.

The brave children and dedicated staffers on the hemoncology floor of Seattle Children’s Hospital recently performed a lipdub of Kelly Clarkson’s “Stronger.” This is the video. Instantly moving, I cried within 10 seconds.

To all those who fight blood diseases and cancer, both the kids and the adults, to those that succeed, and to those that we lose, we salute your bravery and strength. And to those who care for them and treat them, we thank you.

Follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter.

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