Producer Says, Despite Reports, INDIANA JONES 5 Will Not Happen

Ever since INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL hit theaters (and disappointed many of us...), we've been hearing about the possibility of a fifth INDY flick. Despite rumors that everything was finally coming together into something great, the franchise's producer is now speaking out, and saying the exact opposite.

Ever since INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL hit theaters (and disappointed many of us…), we’ve been hearing about the possibility of a fifth INDY flick.  Despite rumors that everything was finally coming together into something great, the franchise’s producer is now speaking out, and saying the exact opposite.

According to Worst Previews, producer Frank Marshall said that as far as he’s concerned, CRYSTAL SKULL is the final chapter in the Indy universe:

“I say, for me, [‘Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ is] the last hurrah…I know that yes, we talk about it, but there’s no idea, there’s no MacGuffin (object for Indy to find).”

Marshall added that as of now, George Lucas isn’t really interested in a fifth adventure.

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