Gas Mask Scene From STEP UP 4 Won’t Be Cut! Wait…Does Anyone Even Care?

Summit Entertainment's upcoming STEP UP REVOLUTION contains a scene involving a group of dancers infiltrating a corporate party wearing gas masks and carrying smoke canisters. Without anybody really asking (or really making any comparison at all...), Summit has stood up to defend it's film.

Despite not wanting to see what seems like an amazing film be altered, I can completely understand and respect Warner Bros cutting a crucial scene out of GANGSTER SQUAD after the recent horrific events in Colorado.  But to even worry about cutting a scene from a film like STEP UP 4? What’s the point?

According to Worst Previews, Summit Entertainment’s upcoming STEP UP REVOLUTION contains a scene involving a group of dancers infiltrating a corporate party wearing gas masks and carrying smoke canisters. Without anybody really asking (or really making any comparison at all…), Summit has stood up to defend it’s film, and say that nothing will be cut:

“Because of last week’s tragic events in Colorado, Summit immediately removed television advertising that briefly showcased that scene from the film. The scene also briefly appeared in a trailer (pictured) released three months ago that the studio is no longer actively [running]…Having taken these steps, Summit will open this inspirational, non-violent film in theaters nationwide this weekend as originally edited.”

On one level, I can understand Summit trying to take preliminary precautions against any backlash, but on another…would anybody ever really take a film like STEP UP REVOLUTION to that level?

So my question for you: is this just a precaution, or, as WorstPreviews suggested, is it a case of any publicity is good publicity?

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