Katy Perry Rejects $20 Million Contract From “American Idol”

"American Idol" may be used to shoving out the big bucks for new celebrity judges, but no matter how much money they tried to bring to the table, there is one star they just couldn't seem to get their hands on...

“American Idol” may be used to shoving out the big bucks for new celebrity judges, but no matter how much money they tried to bring to the table, there is one star they just couldn’t seem to get their hands on…

TMZ is reporting that “Idol” wanted singer Katy Perry to fill a judge seat so badly, that they were ready to offer her $20 million for one season!

Sources tell the site that the offer initially started at $18 million, but increased it when the California Girl said no.

So why would the 27-year-old singer turn down such a huge paycheck for one year’s worth of work?   Friends of the star say that besides her schedule making it virtually impossible to do the show, she just didn’t think it was right career choice for her.

Something tells me Mariah Carey is very, very pissed right now…

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