THE HOBBIT’s Higher Frame Rate Will Get A Limited Release

Back in April, Peter Jackson gave the world a ten-minute sneak peek of his new film, THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY. The footage, shown in a brand new, supposedly more realistic frame rate of 48fps (instead of the normal 24fps) caused a bit of a stir. And now, the repercussions of that stir are being seen.

Back in April, Peter Jackson gave the world a ten-minute sneak peek of the highly anticipated THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY.  The footage, shown in a brand new, supposedly more realistic frame rate of 48fps (instead of the normal 24fps) caused a bit of a stir.  And now, the repercussions of that stir are being seen.

WorstPreviews is reporting that Warner Bros once again took the complaints very seriously, and will now be releasing AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY in 24fps.  The film will still be offered in 48fps, but only in select locations around the country.

This is the second time Warner Bros made changes to a film due to audience complaints.  (The first major change was with Bane’s voice for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, as you can see here.)  Jackson previously stated that the high frame rate was designed to give the audience a much clearer image, but viewers complained that the image was so clear, it looked almost like a soap opera instead of a movie.

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