Box Office Milestones Reached For DARK KNIGHT RISES and AVENGERS

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES and THE AVENGERS continue to surpass milestones.

At first, I didn’t think THE DARK KNIGHT RISES would reach the $1 Billion mark. Between the Aurora movie theater massacre and it’s slow start, it did not look good for Chris Nolan and Warner Bros.  Now, though, that doubt is a thing of the past, because TDKR has not only reached that coveted $1 billion plateau, but actually surpassed it’s predecessor THE DARK KNIGHT, in the process!

WorstPreviews is reporting that Christopher Nolan’s final film in his Batman series brought in $1.005 billion this summer, beating THE DARK KNIGHT’s take of $1.003 Billion back in 2007.

TDKR joins an elite club of 13 other films to go over a billion dollars, one of those films being superhero rival THE AVENGERS.  Thanks to a re-release over the weekend that has promised fans a little more at the end, THE AVENGERS is expected to finish above the $1.5 billion mark, making it the third highest grossing worldwide release of all time behind only AVATAR ($2.8 billion) and TITANIC ($2.2 billion).

While THE DARK KNIGHT series is officially over, THE AVENGERS and Marvel have plenty of sequels and spin-offs planned, including THE AVENGERS 2 set for 2014 with director Joss Whedon back at the helm.

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