Stiller’s NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Gets a Name Change Due to Trayvon Martin Case

It seems like Twentieth Century Fox is taking care of any association problems with their new Ben Stiller/Vince Vaughn movie now, before the film even hits theaters.

It seems like Twentieth Century Fox is taking care of any association problems with their new Ben Stiller/Vince Vaughn movie now, before the film even hits theaters.

According to E! Online, the studio announced yesterday that it has changed the title for the upcoming film, NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH to simply THE WATCH.  The decision comes on the heels of the recent Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida.  Fox said in a statement:

“As the subject matter of this alien invasion comedy bears no relation whatsoever to the recent tragic events in Florida, the studio altered the title to avoid any accidental or unintended misimpression that it might.”

The studio also recalled the movie’s teaser trailer and poster from all theaters last month, saying in another statement,

“We are very sensitive to the Trayvon Martin case, but our film is a broad alien-invasion comedy and bears absolutely no relation to the tragic events in Florida. The movie, which is not scheduled for release for several months, was made and these initial marketing materials were released before this incident ever came to light. The teaser materials were part of an early phase of our marketing and were never planned for long-term use. Above all else, our thoughts go out to the families touched by this terrible event.”

Trayvon Martin was a 16-year-old kid who was shot and killed by neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, while he walked home unarmed one night.  George Zimmerman said he fired his weapon in self defense, but the family and prosecution argue that the boy never confronted Zimmerman, and this was a case of racial profiling.
THE WATCH opens in theaters July 27.

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