James Cameron Tells Kate Winslet To Get Over Her TITANIC Hangups

Kate Winslet occasionally rips on her TITANIC legacy, and now James Cameron is telling her to get over it!
Kate Winslet occasionally rips on her TITANIC legacy, and now James Cameron is telling her to get over it!
During a press tour back in April, Winslet expressed her nasuea whenever she hears Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On”, (saying it makes her want to throw up) and also that she hates when people make jokes every time she boards a boat.

Now, Cameron, in an interview with Moviefone to promote the BluRay/DVD release of the film, James Cameron spoke out – initially with sympathy, and then with a reality check…

“Imagine Mark Hamill in ‘Star Wars’…I understand her needing to distance herself from [the role]. … It’s been 16 years. Come on, Kate. Get over it. It’s OK. You can relax now. You can unclench… I said I understood [her] response, I didn’t necessarily agree with it.”

So, there you have it… a kiss and a smack all at the same time.

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