Lionsgate Picks Up Joss Whedon’s MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING

Lionsgate has picked up Joss Whedon's pet project, Shakespeare's MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.

Joss Whedon’s star may have hit astronomical levels with THE AVENGERS, but that hasn’t stopped the director from doing smaller, more personal projects.

Back in October, Whedon spent 12 days filming his version of William Shakespeare’s play, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. What’s even more amazing is that it was filmed almost entirely in Whedon’s own house with a few friends and former co-workers, including Nathan Fillion(“Firefly”), Clark Gregg (AVENGERS), Alexis Denisof (“Buffy The Vampire Slayer”), and Fran Kranz (“Dollhouse”), and apparently cost “one-tenth the price of an episode of television”.

Now, Screenrant is reporting that after a beautiful reception at TIFF, Lionsgate has picked up the rights to the film, and may release it in theaters by the end of this year! 

The last time MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING hit the silver screen was back in 1993, directed by Kenneth Branangh, and starring Branangh, Emma Thompson, Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves and Kate Beckinsale.

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