DISTURBING VIDEO: Cell Phone Thief Nabs VIctim With Impeccable Timing

City goers are often reminded that a cell phone can be stolen in a split second. This video is proof. A subway rider in Hungary falls victim to a guy whose timing is impeccable. (Cleary he's done this before.)

City goers are often reminded that a cell phone can be stolen in a  split second. This video is proof. A subway rider in Hungary falls victim to a guy whose timing is impeccable. (Cleary he’s done this before.) Just as the doors are about to close, he nabs the phone, and off he goes, the victim darts up quickly, but the doors shut in her face. The video uploader claims the offender was nabbed the very next day. I hope its true!  (How uncanny that someone was videotaping the whole thing!  (?)

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