TRAILER ALERT: Check Out The First Action Packed Teaser For A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD!

It’s funny how there are some film anthologies that you get tired of after the second or third entry. But not DIE HARD, and not John McClane!


It’s funny how there are some film anthologies that you get tired of after the second or third entry.  But not DIE HARD, and not John McClane!

The new teaser for A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD has just hit the web, and seeing McClane and son (played by Jai Courtney) back in action battling an entire army of Russian baddies just makes me giddy!

Take a look at the teaser below and let us know what you think!  And while it’s like Jack Bauer (how many days like this could one guy have?!), something tells me that 30 years from now, Willis could be battling villains in Zimbabwe with his great grandson, and it’d still be awesome!

A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD is directed by John Moore and is set to take over your Valentine’s Day date night, February 14, 2013!

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