VIDEO: Check Out All Six Bonds Battle To The Death!

The debate over who is the best Bond is eternal. Whether you’re a fan of the original classic Sean Connery, the newly badass Daniel Craig, or anyone in between, you probably have some pretty legitimate arguments over who is the real 007…

The debate over who is the best Bond is eternal.  Whether you’re a fan of the original classic Sean Connery, the newly badass Daniel Craig, or anyone in between, you probably have some pretty legitimate arguments over who is the real 007…

But here’s the thing…what you should probably be asking yourself, more than anything else, is if it came down to a real battle, which of Bond would come out on top?  YouTube user moviemaestroten did just that and created an awesome video matching up all six Bonds in different scenarios throughout all 23 films!

Check out all the death matches below, and see if your favorite comes out on top!

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