EXPOSED AS FAKE VIRAL VIDEO!: Eagle Swoops Down And Grabs (Then Drops!) A Toddler.

A video taken in Montreal seems to show a Golden Eagle swooping down from the sky, grabbing a toddler, trying to take off, only to drop the child along the way. Here, the original video, and an extreme close up version that may raise the question of the video's authenticity.


A video taken in Montreal seems to show a Golden Eagle swooping down from the sky, grabbing a toddler, trying to take off, only to drop the child along the way. Here, the original video, and an extreme close up version that may raise the question of the video’s authenticity.

The original uploader of the video goes be the username MrNuclearCat and has quickly racked up more than a million views. , who posted the caption: ‘A golden eagle tries to snatch a baby in Montreal! What if he got away with it?’

Then, youtube user Cyatek did this enlarged, slowed down version – saying it’s bogus – claiming the toddler still rises up even after the eagle had dropped him. Another commenter says the shadows don’t match – who do you believe?

Well – believe the disbelievers – the video has been exposed as a hoax.

A Montreal design college admitted Wednesday that three of its students faked it.

“Both the eagle and the kid were created in 3D animation and integrated in to the film afterwards,” according to a statement from Centre NAD. “The production simulation workshop class, offered in fifth semester, aims to produce creative projects according to industry production and quality standards while developing team work skills … Hoaxes produced in this class have already garnered attention, amongst others a video of a penguin having escaped the Montreal Biodôme.”

The video was created by Normand Archambault, Loïc Mireault and Félix Marquis-Poulin, students at Centre NAD, in the production simulation workshop class. With nearly three million views in three days, this is great publicity both for the students and the school itself!

Here’s a closeup of the video that garnered the skepticism.

What do you think?

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