UPDATE: Barbara Walters Is Out Of The Hospital

Barbara Walters seems to be going from one sickness to another.


UPDATE: ABC confirmed late yesterday that “The View” creator and host, Barbara Walters is now out of the hospital, recovering from the chicken pox at home.

No word on when the 83-year-old would return to work.


Barbara Walters seems to be going from one sickness to another.

After being hospitalized more than a week ago for a fall she suffered at an inauguration party, Access Hollywood is now reporting that the 83-year-old news veteran is still being monitored by doctors…for the chicken pox.

Walters’ “The View” co-host, Whoopi Goldberg, spilled the news yesterday to fans on the show, warning her boss to make sure that there’s “no scratching”!

Apparently doctors wouldn’t release Walters since her fall because she was running a temperature, and now they understand why.

Walters has since been transferred to a New York hospital and is under close observation.


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