Meet Cory And Topanga’s Daughter For “Girl Meets World”!

All you “Boy Meets World” fans, get ready to meet the offspring of Cory and Topanga!

cory-topanga_480x360All you “Boy Meets World” fans, get ready to meet the offspring of Cory and Topanga!

EW has learned that 11-year-old Rowan Blanchard has been cast as the daughter of the ultimate 90s couple in the series’ new spin-off, “Girl Meets World”

For those of you who haven’t heard of Rowan, the LA-based actress has had roles in both SPY KIDS: ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD, and THE BACK-UP PLAN.  She also has her own YouTube channel with a number of covers, including “Don’t Rain on My Parade”, “Anything Goes”, and Adele’s “Someone Like You”, which you could check out below!

Original “Boy Meets World” producer Michael Jacobs said that when he first saw the little girl in a nationwide casting call, he knew he had the perfect pick:

“As soon as Rowan walked into the room, I was reminded of why Ben Savage was loved as Cory Matthews…Rowan is real and accessible and I am hopeful this girl is about to meet a world that will love growing up with her as well.”

The pilot for “Girl Meets World” is set to begin production next month. Let us know what you think of your new Matthews girl below!




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