Jane Seymour Apologizes About Schwarzenegger Comments, Says She Never Meant to Hurt

Jane Seymour found herself in a sticky situation over the past few days, after saying some choice words about the Governator.  Now, after some backlash, she is taking her comments back.

At the premiere of her new film LOVE, MARRIAGE, WEDDING, Seymour said that she thought Schwarzengger was father to at least two more out-of-wedlock children, and predicted more information would soon surface. Friday on ‘The View,’ Seymour apologized, saying:

“I am so beyond sorry and appalled that I found myself even talking on the subject at all…I just feel so badly for Maria and the children because I’ve been through similar kinds of stuff.”

Seymour also noted that the comments didn’t come out of the blue, and she didn’t say them out of context: her movie touched on similar themes and she was asked to comment. But does she deserve an apology?  Watch the video below and you decide.

Jane Seymour, posted with vodpod


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