Bradley Cooper Wants to Play Lance Armstrong In JJ Abrams’ New Biopic

Earlier this week, we told you how JJ Abrams and his Bad Robot production company jumped on the film rights for Juliet Macur’s upcoming book, “Cycle of Lies: The Fall of Lance Armstrong”. Today, we have word that one major actor is already interested in playing the role!

gty_bradley_cooper_ll_130123_wblogEarlier this week, we told you how JJ Abrams and his Bad Robot production company jumped on the film rights for Juliet Macur’s upcoming book, “Cycle of Lies: The Fall of Lance Armstrong”.  Today, we have word that one major actor is already interested in playing the role!

In a new interview with BBC News, SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK star and current Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper has confirmed that if Abrams and co came calling, he’s definitely answer!

“I would be interested in [playing Armstrong]…I think he’s fascinating. What a fascinating character.”

Cooper says that even before the scandal came to a head and Armstrong was thought of as a hero, he knew the character would be a great part:

“I remember Matt Damon was going to do his autobiography at one point years ago…I remember thinking, that would be a great character, I’d love to play that character. I would love to do something, I think he’s pretty fascinating.”

I, for one, would love to see the matchup of Cooper and Abrams, especially with both director and actor proving themselves time and time again on the big screen.  It would also be great to see Cooper take on a real life character at this point in his career, a choice that I think could throw him into another realm of superstar status.

For now, however, we’ll just look forward to Oscar night, where we’ll finally see if we’ll need to call Cooper “Academy Award Winner Bradley Cooper” from now on…

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WATCH: All You Need To Know About Lance Armstrong Is In The First Two Minutes Of Oprah’s Interview.

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