Lady Gaga Blogs Post Surgery: “Just A Bump In The Road”

Lady Gaga has emerged from surgery to repair an injured hip. Despite having to cancel the rest of her tour, the 26 year old is blogging about the procedure, and calling the whole thing "just a bump in the road."

gaga chrome2Lady Gaga has emerged from surgery to repair an injured hip. Despite having to cancel the rest of her tour, the 26 year old is blogging about the procedure, and calling the whole thing “just a bump in the road.”

Gaga wrote on her website:

“As they wheeled me into surgery, I thought about all of your pain and perseverance, your unique family situations, school environments, health issues, homelessness, identity struggles….So I thought to myself, ‘I’m alive; I’m living my dream…This is just a bump in the road.”

Gaga, who has been touring throughout the past two years, had suffered a labral tear of her right hip, which eventually rendered her virtually unable to walk after one of her performances. The operation will require a strict recovery of rest and some physical therapy.

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